Posts Tagged ‘stimulus’

GOP: Opposing Economic Recovery Over 2%

February 4, 2009

My U.S. representative sent email first falsely claiming that 2/3 of the stimulus package would be spent after 2012. Then, in another email, he detailed all the horrible pork that is this list. Yet, these items amount to a total of 2% of the overall stimulus package. The Republicans are playing party politics and obstruction over 2% of the proposed spending.

You see, the de facto head of the GOP has already said that he hopes that Obama fails because, if he succeeds, then the Republicans would be in danger of being a minority party for years to come.

The Republicans have taken “opposition party” to heart: They oppose Obama for any reason they can conjure, even if it means hurting Americans.

Opposition Politics

November 24, 2008

Conservatives like Sean Hannity have been blaming Obama for our economic problems because, of course, the sitting president can’t be blamed for anything. Regardless, we now see a Wall Street rally after Obama announced his economic team as well as plans for an economic stimulus package. The bounce started late Friday afternoon:

Stocks erased a decline Friday and managed a massive rally after reports surfaced that the New York Fed Bank president [Timothy Geithner] was Obama’s pick.

I’m just curious how tired these conservative talking heads get from always being wrong. Or do they just say their lies and move on to the next thing.

After years of approving deficit spending, Republicans now get cheap when it comes to saving our economy. More precisely, they’re filling their role as the opposition party by opposing anything Obama supports, even if it means voting against helping Americans.