Archive for February, 2009

Obama is Our Greatest Threat

February 24, 2009

On Friday, 2/23/09, Dennis Prager had a caller who asked what posed a greater threat to the U.S.: Obama and his socialist agenda or Islamofascism. Prager said that it was Obama and socialism. Think about this answer and its irresponsible implications.

Prager has said repeatedly that Islamofascism is our country’s greatest threat, surpassing even the threats we faced from the Nazis and the Soviets. But now, that threat is nothing compared to the Obama administration. Prager and his ilk have told us that defeating Islamofascism is worth dying for because its threat is so dire, mortal, and imminent.

But now, tap the brakes because we have an even greater threat in Obama. And if Islamofascism is worthy dying to defeat, where does that leave Obama?

Prager exemplifies the irresponsible, even insane behavior that is much of talk. For example, consider Glenn Beck as he gives credibility to a revolution waged by the “bubba factor.” Even though Beck is “horrified”

GOP: Opposing Economic Recovery Over 2%

February 4, 2009

My U.S. representative sent email first falsely claiming that 2/3 of the stimulus package would be spent after 2012. Then, in another email, he detailed all the horrible pork that is this list. Yet, these items amount to a total of 2% of the overall stimulus package. The Republicans are playing party politics and obstruction over 2% of the proposed spending.

You see, the de facto head of the GOP has already said that he hopes that Obama fails because, if he succeeds, then the Republicans would be in danger of being a minority party for years to come.

The Republicans have taken “opposition party” to heart: They oppose Obama for any reason they can conjure, even if it means hurting Americans.

When Tools Speak

February 3, 2009

I guess when you find some “regular” guy outside the Beltway that still likes the GOP, you ride him into the ground. The guy used as a campaign mouthpiece is now taken as some font of knowledge.

When GOP congressional aides gather Tuesday morning for a meeting of the Conservative Working Group, Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher – more commonly known as Joe the Plumber — will be their featured guest. This group is an organization of conservative Capitol Hill staffers who meet regularly to chart GOP strategy for the week.

Wurzelbacher, who became a household name during the presidential election, will be focusing his talk on the proposed stimulus package. He’s apparently not a fan of the economic rescue package, according to members of the group.

What, a republican tool who’s not endorsing a Democrat-led proposal? Who would imagine such a thing.

Wurzelbacher is the mythical Joe Six-Pack who is paraded around as what regular guys think, which makes him whoring him far worse than following polls and focus groups, which at least involve several people. Wurzelbacher is treated as if his opinion is somehow informed when, in fact, he’s just a guy with, at best, a cursory understanding of the issues. (Then, again, the same can be said of conservatives like William Kristol.)

Like Sarah Palin (and so many liberal celebrities that conservatives often criticize), Wurzelbacher thinks his fame means that he has something to say.

Are You Wife Material for Conservative Loud Mouths?

February 2, 2009


Why do conservatives like Dick (“Barney Fag”) Armey and Mike Gallagher immediately think of women guests as wife material?

ARMEY: I’m so damn glad that you can never be my wife because I surely wouldn’t have to listen to that prattle from you every day.

GALLAGHER: It’s hysterical. Do you know how many times a week I say, “thank God I don’t have to wake up next to her.” I mean some of these callers, these shrews that call.

Last year, Limbaugh said, “Edwards might be attracted to a woman whose mouth did something other than talk.”

But think about it: these guys judge women based on what kind of wives they would make. Armey couldn’t shut his yap while Joan Walsh talked, which was particularly hypocritical given that he said that we should be focused on the real issues.

The fact is that these guys can’t persuade by their meager reasoning and have to rely on reducing women to sex objects. Armey said that Limbaugh’s “I hope Obama fails” comments and the like are just politics, trying to dismiss any critique of these rhetorical tactics. Yet, he employs them without hesistancy, showing exactly why conservatives should be flogged for making them because they are essential to their strategy.